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StartMusicMeiway: “In Côte d’Ivoire, the reconciliation project is a failure”

Meiway: “In Côte d’Ivoire, the reconciliation project is a failure”

Ivorian singer Meiway lit up the stage at the 37th edition of the Nuits d'Afrique International Festival, in Montreal, Canada (July 11 to 23). During a show, he moved his audience. Because Meiway gathers, gives and shares, without limits. “I'm just me, I'm real,” he says. The interview that the artist gave us on the sidelines of this event had the same tone.

In the few weeks of the elections, in a Côte d'Ivoire mourned by the death of the former president, Henri Konan Bédié, and while coups d'état are taking place on the continent, “the Professor”, whose real name is Frédéric Ehui Désiré, gives his point of view bluntly. And he assumes his frankness with a hint of delicacy: “If, for one reason or another, I am clumsy or offending sensibilities, don't blame me. Let us remember one thing: the truth can do things, but it never kills.” For insurance…

Jeune Afrique: You participated in the Nuits d'Afrique International Festival for the third time. Does this meeting have a special flavor for you?

Halfway: Yes, very clearly, because we are on another continent. In North America, African music benefits from relatively little media coverage compared to that in Europe. For African artists, performing at the Nuits d'Afrique International Festival is, therefore, like a springboard to this giant country that is Canada. This also allows us to have a secure position in the United States to speak out.

Is there any difference between North American, European and African audiences?

It’s up to us, artists, to adapt to each audience. The repertoire I choose for a concert in Abidjan is not the same as the one I plan for Paris, and it is even different for Montreal or New York. we must adapt our shows to the realities of our audiences. From the moment this skillfully conducted alchemy occurs, we are always able to touch people's hearts.

They say they want to move towards reconciliation while some Ivorians are still in exile. It's abnormal

In September 2022, you would be one of the artists expected to perform in Dakar on the occasion of a Pan-African concert given in favor in limit the number of African presidential terms to two. That The meeting was ultimately banned by Senegalese authorities. You reiterate the initiative on September 14th, this time in Paris…

It was important to make ourselves heard, despite everything, and show the world that it exists, that a collective was created and that it brings together artists from different countries who are all involved in the well-being and renewal of the continent. After our aborted concert in Dakar, we also produced the music video “Let’s limit terms!” » Because our observation is made: everything has to change and there is work. To do this we need to raise awareness, talk, communicate, and that is what we will demonstrate on September 14th in Paris.

In 2012, you participated in the National Caravan of peace consciousness alongside other artists. Ten years later, what an observation Do you support this action?

For me, the reconciliation project in Côte d'Ivoire is a failure. As proof, he cited the still politically tense situation between the opposition and those in power. It is abnormal for us to say that we want to move towards reconciliation while some Ivorians are still in exile. Those who returned to the country are excluded from the political debate. We need to debate the issue of reconciliation differently and engage in dialogue. To reconcile, those who are not in power must play fair, which they do not do.

Is the exclusion of the appeal filed by Laurent Gbagbo after his removal from the electoral roll an illustration of this?

Yes. Laurent Gbagbo was convicted and innocent after ten years in prison. He returns to his country and is denied the right to be included in the political debate. This clearly does not go in the direction of a desire for reconciliation.

Henri Konan Bédié was the last wisdom of the political life of Côte d'Ivoire

How did you find out about Henri Konan Bédié's death and what happened?

This news hit me like a hammer blow. He was the latest information on the political life of Côte d'Ivoire. May your soul rest in peace. I hope that, for his party, his death is a victory in disguise. Its disappearance will open up the behavior of this new generation that has been in the background for many years. She will free herself and bring new energy to the Ivorian political scene.

Regional and municipal elections will take place on September 2nd. O Can the death of the former president change the situation?

For the September elections, I don't think much will change, because the candidates are already known. On the contrary, I am looking to the future and the presidential elections of 2025. At that time, there will be a real political issue and I dream of a renewal of the political class.

President Alassane Ouattara declared 2023 “the year of youth". How can young Ivorians contribute to the development of your country?

It's the year of youth, but the old people are still there... As long as they're in power, we won't be able to have our hands free. Successive presidents have achieved their dream by becoming heads of state, it's time to pass the torch to young people so they can achieve theirs. We, who are a new generation, have grown up. We are intelligent, free and active. We are all experts in our respective areas of activity. That our elders leave us in charge and trust us is everything we dream of for this year and for years to come.

What has ECOWAS done for the region and how has it been useful for development and independence – the truth?

How do you analyze the situation in Niger and ECOWAS’ reactions?

We have already taken stock of ECOWAS since its creation. What has this community done for the region and how has it been useful for development and independence – the real thing? This institution must be remunerated. Everything she does goes against political rules and the rules of justice.

Regarding the coup d'état in Niger, this institution should not focus its binoculars on the offices of the presidential palace, but rather on the streets of Niamey, Agadez or Tiguidit. Because, when a people, from a sovereign country, rise up and rejoice because their head of state has fallen, we must respect them and ensure that the country returns to the elections that will lead to the inauguration of a head of state from civil society. ECOWAS cannot condemn and criticize the military that took power and mobilized its forces when they could have done so much for Africa and didn't.

Guinea, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Gabon… Coups d'état follow one another. Such a situation could arisein Ivory Coast?

Everything is possible. The noose is tightening on our leaders, who have not yet understood that Africa has grown and matured. Our continent thinks differently and sees much further than before. Our leaders must accept this and act accordingly.

Our minds are wired to make us believe we are the poorest when we are the richest.

Can we still talk about Franco-African cooperation?

We have reached a stage where Franco-African cooperation must be reviewed. We are in an era of globalization and in this configuration we must cooperate and finance ourselves. However, everyone's profits must be balanced, which has not happened so far. We do not want to close the door on this cooperation, which continues to be historic, but it is important to approach it differently, from victory to victory. Today, we simply invite you to respect the sovereignty of African States, as required by their laws.

Ivory Coast remains one of France's strongest allies in West Africa. Paris still has troops on Ivorian soil. Is this a good thing?

I was in Paris during the [Juin-Juillet 2023] riots, I saw the military forces overwhelmed and this went far beyond the capital. I therefore ask myself the following question: although its military numbers are limited in its own territory, what is France's interest in keeping soldiers in Côte d'Ivoire and bases in Africa? What's behind this?

After the Covid-19 pandemic, we face the war in Ukraine and change climate, Africa increasingly asserts its independence. Will we hear enough about voice of the continent on major international issues?

In the current situation, I do not expect Africa to be heard, quite simply because it will not be heard. We believe we are independent in Africa, but we are not yet. We must first turn the page, on our continent and elsewhere. The world needs Africa, but it must consider its true value and put an end to this policy that consists of “exhausting” all its resources. We are tired of being considered the third world. Our minds are formatted to make us believe that we are the poorest, when we are the richest.

Politicians should be inspired by us artists and athletes and what we do on the ground

In six months' time, Côte d'Ivoire will host the African Cup of Nations (CAN). Is sport, like music, a powerful instrument for social cohesion, which brings people together across political, ethnic and social divisions?

I love football, so this is a happy year ahead for me. We, musicians, have something in common with sport: we even bring together opposing camps. We perform in front of fans who support different parties, who do not vote for the same candidates, but who dance together during our shows or cheer in unison before a match.

Politicians should, from time to time, be inspired by us, artists and athletes, in our work, in our actions and in what we do on the field. Perhaps we will even include ourselves in their political advice. We are the missing link in governance in Africa. We can build a bridge between issues and leaders. Unfortunately, politicians only see us as nonconformists.

On October 14th, the Elephants will play a friendly against the Atlas Lions, time National of Morocco. What is your prognosis?

I hope for a draw. Morocco and Ivory Coast have become much closer in recent years and a draw would be a way to strengthen our bilateral cooperation. Today everyone criticizes the Elephants, because the friendlies that have taken place recently have not been convincing. I say so much the better! Better to lose now than during CAN.

Are you preparing an album?

Currently, this is not relevant. Maybe next year. Current changes in showbiz mean that we have to comply with new rules. And since the trend is for singles, that's what we're going to do. This single will be special in any case, because it will address a unifying theme, this unity that we dream of they Africa.

Yann Amoussou
Yann Amoussou
Born in Benin, Yann AMOUSSOU brought with him a great cultural wealth when he arrived in Brazil in 2015. Graduated in International Relations from the University of Brasília, he founded enterprises such as and, in addition to coordinating the volunteer project "Africa in schools ". At 27 years old, Yann is passionate about Pan-Africanism and since he was a child he has always dreamed of becoming president of Benin. His constant quest to increase knowledge of African cultures led him to create the news channel AfroApaixonados


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