Friday, October 18, 2024

Welcome to, a cultural and media exchange platform dedicated to strengthening and enriching relations between Brazil and African countries. Founded by Yann Amoussou, a Beninese Pan-Africanist passionate about the diversity of African cultures, the platform is a vibrant space for exchanging knowledge and experiences. Our mission is to combat prejudices and promote understanding between African nations and Brazil through education and culture, demystifying stereotypes and highlighting the African influence in Brazil. We aspire to be a bridge for intercultural dialogue, celebrating traditions and promoting activities that benefit the communities involved, supporting sustainable development initiatives and cultural innovation.

We are committed to promoting African cultures as a form of unity and solidarity, believing that education is fundamental to combating prejudice and building a fairer world. We encourage community engagement through events, workshops and projects that promote cultural and social empowerment, always maintaining transparency and integrity in all our communications. We offer resources such as daily news, a blog with cultural analysis, an interactive social network and educational videos. We invite everyone who shares our passion to join our community, contributing their perspectives and experiences to build a more inclusive and diverse future.

Benin collaborators

- News from Africa

AHOUANSOU Augustin Sègla

- News from Africa

DOSSA Ardilès Médard

- News from Africa

SAÏZONOU Monreyikè Laura 

- News from Africa

DE SOUZA Horacio Babylas Laurent

- News from Africa


- News from Africa


Collaborators from Brazil

- News from Africa

Mayara Ferreira Braz

- News from Africa

Rogério Almeida

- News from Africa

Gabriela Ferreira Freitas

- News from Africa

Rubens Leonardo Braz Nogueira

- News from Africa

Rogério Almeida

- News from Africa

Fabiola Rocha de Jesus

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